Créme Caramel Tart



 250 ml Wynn-with Fresh Cream

1 x tin Caramel Treat (Nestlé)

1 x 50 g Cream Caramels (Wilsons)

1 x 90 g Milo Chocolate Slab (Nestlé)

1 pack of Marie Biscuits

½ cup Melted Margarine 



Crush Marie biscuits and mix with melted butter.

Cover the base of a medium sized (25 cm), dish with the Marie biscuit mix and press to make the crust.

Cut the cream caramels into smaller squares and sprinkle over the crust.

Beat the cream until it forms stiff peaks, and add the caramel treat. Mix together well.

Pour the filling over the crust and spread evenly.

Grate the milo slab (or simply refrigerate and cut into smaller pieces with a sharp knife), and sprinkle over the tart.

Refrigerate for 6 hours, and enjoy.



Instead of using the milo slab you can add:

·       Crunchie chocolate

·        Peppermint Crisp Chocolate

·        Fudge

·        Chocolate Sprinkles, or

·        Crushed Pecan Nuts




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